One Catering is a professional tapas catering company servicing San Pedro de Alcántara and throughout Andalucia, Spain

+34 622 250 231

Tapas Catering Services in San Pedro de Alcántara

Tapas Caterers in San Pedro de Alcántara

This page is all about the wide range of tapas catering services in San Pedro de Alcántara.

Tapas Catering Contact Info

As we are often on the move and are not always able to take notes about your tapas catering in San Pedro de Alcántara request, we always advise you to email us or use our contact form in the first instance. If you would like us to call you back immediately, please let us know and we will do so as soon as we are able to give you our 100% undivided attention.

** If you do not already have a party planner for catering of tapas in San Pedro de Alcántara, we would strongly advise against going it alone. Even if it is a small party, our event-planning services are second to none and our fees are very reasonable. In nearly every event that we have catered for over the past years, we have easily saved our clients far more money (by utilising our contacts, venues, know-how, etc.) than they have paid on our event planner fees.